Banks rely heavily on end-user computing applications (EUCs) such as Excel spreadsheets and scripts for day to day operations because they allow users to react quickly to changing market conditions or regulations. Whether they are used for creating financial models, finance, accounting or complying with regulatory requirements, they need to be managed effectively.
CIMCON Software offers solutions that create an inventory of all EUCs in your organization, identify the most critical files, detect errors; provide a visual map of data dependencies, and provide on-going monitoring and control of your most important EUCs. All of which minimize the business risks associated with EUCs.
CIMCON Gives You the Tools to Comply:
- Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)
- Dodd-Frank Stress Tests (DFAST)
- Basel III
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- BaFin
$465.8 Billion Revenue
$11.9 Trillion Assets
being safeguarded by CIMCON Solutions

E.U.C Risk Management Framework
The Business Case and Best Practices for End User Computing (EUC) Risk Management
Managing the enormous risks from End User Computing (EUC) applications is probably not on the top of the agenda for your C-suite. Nonetheless, you can be assured that they would care deeply if a material error related to EUCs were to occur or become public. It has cost a CEO their job.